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TTravelling in South Africa

YYou're excited about starting your adventure exploring our beautiful country and luckily for you, you have this guide to help you out. Here you'll find everything you need to know about travelling around South Africa. 

Quick facts about South Africa




South Africa is home to multi-cultural melting pot of 55 million beautiful people of diverse origins, cultures, languages, and religions.




Although English is widely spoken and is used for informational signage, South Africa celebrates diversity in language with a total of eleven official languages. These languages are Afrikaans, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, Siswati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga and English.




Enshrined in the South African constitution is the right for all people to practice their religion free from persecution. The most practiced religions in South Africa include Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.

Plan your trip

Getting around South Africa with Covid Regulations

South Africa is open and ready to welcome travelers from all over the world. Travellers are encouraged to abide by all health and safety protocols, including sanitising of hands, wearing of masks and social distancing.

Travelling South Africa by road

Yes, flying is quick and easy but most of the magic of exploration lies on the ground. South Africa is a heaven for self-drive enthusiasts.

Something to do all year round

Winter travel is amazing for safari and beach visits along our temperate east coast, while summer is magical for outdoor adventures.

Staying healthy in South Africa

Travelling through South Africa you can rest assured that the country has a very well structured healthcare system with a number of public and private hospitals throughout the country.

Accommodation in South Africa

South Africa is well-known for its tourist attractions, not to mention its awesomely dynamic range of accommodation. It stretches from game lodges to five-star hotels, to friendly country houses, small hotels, B&Bs and camping sites – all kitted out with a range of catering options.

Getting around South Africa by air

There are over 70 international airlines now flying to South Africa. The award-winning South African Airways, the national carrier, flies to destinations all over the world and is connected to major international air routes, making it easier for you to enter the country from pretty much any corner of the world.

Getting around South Africa by bus

If you’re on a budget, travelling by bus is the cheapest way to travel the country. As a result it has become the go-to travelling option for the more economically-conscious locals. Be sure to book with a reputable service as not all bus companies have an equally good reputation.

Getting around South Africa by train

If you’re an adventurer at heart, rail travel provides an exciting way to soak in South Africa’s scenic beauty without having to drive yourself around.

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