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Did you enjoy the ‘South Africa with Gregg Wallace’ ITV series? Have you discovered a new love for the Rainbow Nation? If you missed any episodes you can catch up here or stay a bit longer and watch our fantastic webinar where we followed Gregg Wallace's footsteps and learn more about the destination!

SSteve joined his industry colleagues from various Travel Corporation brands to discuss South African product for all budgets. Watch them unpack TTC'S tours across South Africa.

SSouth Africa and Victoria Falls are often packaged into one trip, and all within good reason! Steve joins G Adventures and unpacks their fantastic tours to Southern Africa, focusing on Cape Town, Kruger and Zimbabwe.

DDurban has always been renowned for its amazing weather and fantastic beaches, but there is so much more to the city than that. Steve is joined by Durban Tourism to further unpack the charming city of Durban.

RRachel sits down with TTG for a conversation on how to sell South Africa, from successfully navigating safety concerns to revealing details of the destination’s new tourism product, must-do activities and stance on responsible tourism.

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Meet the people who know South Africa best.

The essentials for building and selling breaks to South Africa

How to create the best trip for all kinds of travellers.

All clients need to know when travelling to South Africa.

Learn what's new in the country and what you should be telling your clients about.

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