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Western Cape
Cape Town

CCompetition Terms and Conditions

The Competition Terms and Conditions to stand a chance of winning an all-expenses-paid trip to Cape Town, in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.

Should any dispute arise in relation to the interpretation of the Competition and/or its terms and conditions, the Promoter’s decision shall be final and binding, and no correspondence shall be entered into.


Welcome to the South African Tourism Lions Series Rugby Host City competition (the "competition"). These terms and conditions are the official rules of the competition ("rules"). These rules (together with any official competition communications) will govern and apply to the competition. Please take a moment to review these rules. By your participation, you agree that these rules will oversee all aspects of your relationship with the competition and competition-related agents and the Promoter (South African Tourism). These rules can only be modified (or superseded) by Promoter (in its reasonable discretion) in a written revision to these rules posted on the competition website or (at Promoter's sole discretion) any other potential official competition communication methods reasonably calculated to reach a majority of potential participants.



  1. The competition is conducted by Promoter (South African Tourism).
  2. No person who is a director, employee, sponsor or agent of or consultant to the Promoter or who is a spouse, life partner, parent, child, brother, sister, business partner, or associate to a director, employee or agent of or consultant to the Promoter is eligible to participate or enter this competition.
  3. This competition is only open to Zimbabwean nationals.
  4. You are eligible to enter if you:
  • are a person who is 18 years or older;
  • are capable of engaging in physical travel activities/experiences without risk to your health;
  • have a valid passport (with at least six months validity) and are willing to travel to South Africa;
  • are willing to take a COVID-19 test before travelling to South Africa;
  • are willing to participate in the travel activities/experiences as stated in the prize itinerary;
  • submit a Valid Entry (see below);
  • agree to the Terms and Conditions/Competition rules;
  • The only way to submit a Valid Entry is by participating in the online quiz on the South African Tourism Social media platforms (see below) and by reading and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.


  1. The competition will close on 7 August 2021.
  2. No late entries will be accepted.
  3. To enter the competition participants, need to follow the official South African Tourism Social Media account for Zimbabwe:
  1. Answer the online quiz question by posting your answer in the comments section,
  2. You must not submit an entry that:
  • contains invalid, incomplete, or inaccurate information;
  • contains defamatory, offensive, harassing, threatening, or intimidating statements or messages;
  • invades the privacy or any other rights of any third party; or
  • breaks any law.
  1. Only one entry per person is permitted,
  2. The winner will be randomly chosen via a certified method of selection.


Conditions of Entry

  1. You acknowledge and agree that:
  • you are in good physical health and capable of participating in physical travel activities/experiences;
  • you do not suffer from any illness or injury that prevents you from engaging in any physical travel activity/experiences;
  • to the extent permitted by law, you indemnify South Africa Tourism, its agents, and servants from any claim, loss, damage or damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, economic, direct or indirect loss, or personal injury suffered or sustained in connection with, or arising from, this Promotion;
  • a travel indemnity form must be completed and signed before you depart from your base country;
  • if requested, you must participate in editorial media activities relating to the Promotion including, but not limited to, being interviewed and photographed;
  • South African Tourism may collect your personal information, including, but not limited to, your name, likeness, email address, picture, and participation in editorial activities ("Personal Information");
  • you must redeem your Prize before the end of 2022. Prizes are not transferrable and may not be deferred, changed or exchanged for any other item or cash;
  • you must inform South African Tourism if your personal information changes;
  • you consent to South African Tourism's privacy policy;
  • you agree to South African Tourism sending you emails for research, survey, competition, and general promotion purposes;
  • you grant South African Tourism a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, exclusive, and irrevocable license to use your travel experience and testimonial for marketing purposes;
  • you will take a COVID-19 test 72 hours before your date of travel to South Africa;
  • you will present the valid certificate of a negative COVID-19 test, recognised by the World Health Organisation, which was obtained not more than 72 hours before the date of travel, at the point of departure and arrival into South Africa.
  • If the COVID-19 test is positive, all travel arrangements will be postponed and rescheduled for a later date. He or she will be required to isolate for a period of 10 days at their own cost.
  • Failure to take the test and submit a certificate as proof of a negative COVID-19 test South African Tourism will cancel all travel arrangements, and an alternative winner will be selected.


Choosing a Winner

  1. South African Tourism may, in its absolute discretion, disqualify an otherwise Valid Entry if, in the reasonable opinion of South African Tourism, you have not complied with these Terms and Conditions or the entry process.
  2. Two winners, one from Kenya and one from Zimbabwe, will be chosen by South African Tourism at their absolute discretion based on the merits of creativity.
  3. South African Tourism may select alternative winners to replace any subsequently disqualified winner or a winner who does not claim their Prize within a reasonable period of time or after the lapse of 7 days from being notified or cannot travel ("Alternate Winners").
  4. All decisions of South African Tourism are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  5. The winners will be notified on social media before 5 pm (SAST) on Wednesday, 11 August 2021, and the winners' names will be published on the South African Tourism social media platforms.
  6. The winners undertake to expeditiously do all the things necessary to enable South African Tourism to plan and book their travel experience proficiently.


The Prize

  1. An all-expenses-paid trip for the winner and their partner to the Lions Series Rugby host city, Cape Town in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Each winner will receive:
  • Two economy class return international flights from the base countries to Cape Town.
  • Two economy class return local flights from your nearest regional airport to connect with the international flight from your base country.
  • All domestic flights in South Africa, if required.
  • Four nights' accommodation at a graded establishment in Cape Town. The total trip, including international flights, is five (5) days.
  • Meals, refreshments, and all ground transfers are included.
  1. The itinerary includes (trip highlights):
  • A Robben Island Tour, Table Mountain, a Winelands experience, a Cape Town City Tour including a visit to the Bo-Kaap, and a Long street nightlife experience.
  1. The Prize is:
  • not transferable, exchangeable, or redeemable for cash;
  • subject to any terms and conditions of South African Tourism or any third party providers which the Prize Winner must agree to before accepting the Prize;
  • claimable up to 7 days after being notified of the Prize. South African Tourism may allocate the Prize to an Alternate Winner if you are unable to travel before the end of 2022;
  • substitutable for Prizes/travel experiences of a similar value, at South African Tourism's absolute discretion, if for any reason the Prizes, or any element of the Prizes, are unavailable;
  • only valid until the end of 2022;
  • subject to the Prize Winner satisfying lawful health, behaviour, age, and safety requirements; and
  • exclusive of any additional costs and liabilities incurred by the Prize Winner that are not expressly stated as forming part of the Prize including, but not limited to, extra meals, additional travel extensions, tips & gratuities, personal, property & health insurance, transport to and from departure airports, items of a personal nature, in-room charges, losses, damages, claims, legal costs and increased personal taxation liabilities ("Additional Costs and Liabilities").
  1. You agree to indemnify the South African Tourism against any Additional Costs and Liabilities you incur. Accordingly, you must pay and incur all Additional Costs and Liabilities as South African Tourism, its agents, and servants are not liable for any Additional Costs and Liabilities.
  2. If for any reason, the Promotion is not capable of running as planned, South African Tourism reserves the right in its absolute discretion to take any action that is legally available to reschedule, change or cancel the Promotion.

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