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WWhale watching has become a big trend in South Africa with many coastal towns hosting whale watching tours across the country. Hermanus is known and recognised by the Worldwide Fund for Nature as being among the best whale watching destinations in the world. And once you're there, you'll need somewhere to watch the whales from by land, if you aren't able to watch them by sea or air. 

According to the official Hermanus website, the best spots to watch whales include:

Cliff Path

Cliff Path offers 12km of the best whale-watching viewpoints in the world, stretching from one end of Hermanus to the other. At certain points, whales can be seen playing as close as five metres from shore. 

Did You Know?
TThe most common whale spotted in Hermanus is the Southern Right Whale. It gets this name from early whalers, who named it the ‘right’ whale to hunt.


Drive to Fick’s Pool on Plein St, take the cliff path towards the New Harbour for about 100 metres and arrive at Dreunkrans. Locals love coming here to see the whales. 

Windsor Bay

If you are at Fick’s Pool, make your way to Windsor Bay. It is a mere 1,6km walk and offers interrupted views of the ocean.

9 Whalewatching spots in Hermanus

When to visit
How to get here

GGearing’s Point

Gearing’s Point was once a lookout for fishermen who were coming into Old Harbour.

Old Harbour

At the Old Harbour, viewing terraces are available with panoramic views over Walker Bay. Information boards provide basic information about the whales. 

Die Gang

Drive down Main Road towards the beaches (north-east) and turn on Die Gang at Berg-en-See to arrive at Die Gang, a stop perfect for those Instagram pictures. 

Siever’s Point

One of the most popular locations in Hermanus for whale watching is Siever's Point, which is close to where the whales frolic.

Kwaaiwater Lookout

The Kwaaiwater lookout point is accessible by vehicle and a perfect spot to watch the sunset. 

Voëlklip and Grotto beaches

At Voëlklip and Grotto beaches, you can see the whales when you position yourself on the rocks above the sea. Just make sure to adhere to the necessary safety tips. 

Who to contact?
How to get here?
Best time to visit?
What does it cost?
What to pack?

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